Sunday, February 10, 2013

Is There Something Missing?

        It is such a simple question that has no real good answer.  Is there something missing in my life?  I have heard countless times in my life that the grass is always greener on the other side.  That is such and easy thing to say to somebody who feels like "something is missing".  But you know what the grass may not be greener on the other side but usually the grass is at least as green as the grass your standing on.  Especially if your a person like me and somehow really makes the best out of any situation you are placed in.
       So me and my wife Melly were talking this morning and she said to me that she doesn't know why but sometimes it feels like something is missing in her life.  And me being half asleep said something along the lines of "I'm pretty sure that everybody feels like something is missing in there life."  I have been thinking about that all morning.  Is it ok to feel like something is missing in your life because I know I feel that way!  I think its completely natural to feel like something is missing, that's part of our natural feelings of desire!  I don't know many people that don't desire something that they don't have in there life.   Whats the difference between desiring something and the feeling like something is missing.  Maybe the fact that when you desire something you may not feel like you should have it, more then you want to have it.  However it is a very fine line for some people to draw between something they need and something they want.  The more passionate of a person you are the more fine that line is.  All of the sudden for some people something they want, gets placed into the part of the brain that makes those people feel like it is something that they need!  This happens to people way more then we might think especially when we consider what humans used to live without and how perfectly happy they were without much of the stuff we require today.
        Humans at a very basic level really don't need much to survive, day to day, just getting through life, or getting the job done.  However many people will need certain things that really aren't necessary to live.  They won't need it to live at a basic level, they won't need it to get the job done.  They would need it to thrive in life!  I think that's the part that I haven't been able to put my finger on and say that's whats missing!  But I do think that's the key!  For my wife Melly it may be the something about the mountains out west and adventure, for someone like my brother in law John Miller, it may pushing the ability of his body to its limits, for someone like my dad Johnny Terrell it may be taking care of his family and being a good example!  These are all just guesses I'm throwing out there.  I know the things that I need to thrive are a mix of about 100 different things.  Pretty much everything that my wife, brother, and dad need to thrive I would say I probably do too.  And it is always evolving especially with a young family.
       These things may not be something we need to survive but that doesn't mean that they aren't important.  These are things that we need to ponder about and give a large amount of thought.  If we want to thrive in this earthly life, then we need to find what we need in our lives to do that.  And you know what?  You may not even know what that is yet but I think we should all do whatever we can to find out and make sure that we don't take them lightly!  We have a decent amount of time on this earth so make decisions to make the most of it.  Make plans and follow through with them!  And follow through with them!!!
        Be specific don't just say I want to be an athlete or a good parent.  If you want to be an athlete you should definitely understand why you want to be an athlete.  Is it because your super competitive and you want to win?  If it is then you had better make sure of that, because that is a serious road to go down with a massive amount of dedication!  Is it to be part of a community and make strong relationships with people that think like you and motivate you?  If that's it then you could probably get away with a very recreational mindset.  For me I would have to say that my desire to be an athlete relates to being a good parent.  I have a new found strong desire to be a strong person in every way that I can manage to help my kids know that we are all as capable as we want to be, and being the adventurous type person that I tend to be, to me I believe it requires an animal amount of fitness to live the most intense adventures!  The good thing about that is that there are no specific goals I am going to have to reach to live a happy life,  I am also not bound to do anything in specific and stick with it.  As long as I am always getting better, stronger, mentally, and physically then I feel like I am being successful in my goal.
        Always be asking yourself questions to better get to know yourself.  It's surprising to me how my dad will still tend to know me better then I know myself.  Think about your motives.  Rethink them over and over.  Through life they are probably going to change.  So plan ahead if you can.  And just like I always like to focus on take all of this information that you are acquiring about yourself and paint it into "The Big Picture."  Actually paint the picture in your mind and believe that you will live it.   Make plans and follow through with them!  And follow through with them!!!  And bring that picture to life!