Tuesday, May 16, 2017

New Adventures!!

New Adventures!

Endurance horseback riding, Occupational therapy, and Advocare

  It has been a long time since I made a blog post but I am in a place where I need to write things down and let people have access to my thoughts about everything me and my family have gone through recently.

  Most people that know me know that I graduated from college last year and am now working in a Melbourne, AR as a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA).  I have put the MTB on the rack for a while and have now started attempting my hand at training endurance horses.  Oh, and I am now always talking about Advocare!  I have to admit, of someone told  me a couple years ago this is where I would be I would say they were crazy!  I truly would have said That!

  I truly believe that me and my family are on a path that God has set in place just for us.  I have always said publicly and in private that the only way that I would leave Jonesboro is if X, Y, and Z happened, all of which were not likely.  Needless to say, every one of those things happened and before we knew it our lives were tipped upside down!

  AS far as hanging the bike up, I will be honest and say I miss mountain biking..  Not so much road biking, but definitely riding dirt.   But I have always had plans to get horses one day and when this all fell into place I saw the opportunity and because I don't like doing anything half way I dove in head first and am now fully engulfed in training my two awesome horses, a young quarter horse named Annie with massive amounts of spirit and power, and Major, a 10 year old Tennessee Walking horse that has the smoothest gait I've ever seen in my limited amount of horse experience.  I still get plenty of the dirt and trails, but definitely not working my body as hard so I am in a place now where I have to be much more picky with my diet.😦😦  this leads me to my newest journey.  Advocare!

  I was not approached by anybody to start selling Advocare!  I was in a position where where I new that I needed to get a grasp on my nutrition.  And I remember years ago that I had bought some spark from my sister and I was hooked on it for a while, and I really needed something to help me get over my Rockstar addiction.  Well Spark did it again for me, and I havnt had a Rockstar now for over a month and absolutely love my daily Spark!

  This was also around the time that my wife was approached by a friend to start selling for another network marketing company, and I have always wanted to try it and am always, always, open to some extra income.  However I have always said that I could never sell something I didn't truly believe in, and luckily Advocare is a company that is flooded with scientific studies to back up all of there product's!  And now after going through the 24 day challenge myself along with my wife, I am a huge believer in how real the company is!  On top of that it's such a low risk company!  You pay 59$ for the entire  year and you have the ability to deep all of there products,  receive commission for your sales, and receive discounts on all of there products all the way up to 40%!!  It was an easy decision and one that I am excited about every day.

  Lifes crazy and we all go through crazy experiences.  I am always excited to share my experiences with others and love to have the ability to help other, not only at my amazing Job as a COTA, but now as an Advocare distributor.

Until next time,
Happy trails!

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